Born 1969 Brno, Czech Republic
Since his childhood, Audy has learned from experiences of his father, a photographer of the underground Igor Audy.
He regularly visited caves in Bulgaria with his parents in the 70ties.
Audy is a member of the Czech Speleological Society since 1983, when he joined the caving group Topas.
He took part in expeditions to the high mountain karst of the Polish Tatra Mountains, to Orjen in the Montenegro and to Kosovo.
In the 90ties, he became a member of the Austrian organization Vereins für Höhlenkunde in Obersteier (VHO) and cooperated in explorations of the Totes Gebirge area in the Alps.
At the Croatian Velebit, he initiated a long-term cooperation with the Slovak
Speleological Society.
The year 1994, when he had photographed the first 3D slide series in the caves of the Moravian Karst, he launched his interest in 3D photography. Images of the caves, captured by an old Russian stereoscopic camera, are still regularly screened in the Panorama exposition of the Technical Museum in Brno.
Beginning in 2002, he organized ten speleological research expeditions into the sandstone karst of the table mountains of Venezuela – Tepui. Aided by stereoscopic aerial photography, together with Venezuelan cavers they were looking for entrances, ponors, abysses and caves. Audy used the stereoscopic aerial photos many times later, while planning access paths to unexplored caves through rough terrain of rock cities overgrown with tropical jungle.
These expeditions led to discoveries of the longest sandstone caves in the world:
Crystal Eyes cave system - Sistema Ojos de Cristal - 8,2 km and Sistema Brewer
- 17,8 km.Audy published several books about the underground of the Tepui. The most significant were Brány do Ztraceného světa (Gates to the Lost World;
UIS prize, 2007) and Entraňas del Mundo Perdido (Heart of the Lost World), which contains also 3D photographs.
In 2006 he took part in an expedition into the Iranian salt cave 3N. Their exploration had placed the cave system on top of the list of the longest salt caves in the world.
Since 2010 Audy devotes his time to underground photography of caves in Serbia, Macedonia, Montenegro, and Bosnia and Herzegovina in the Balkans.
His work owes much to the support of his wife Světlana Audyová and to active collaboration of a friend Richard Bouda.